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Snooker brunch - September
2024-09-07, House of pool, Canada, New Westminster



Snooker toutnament Snooker brunch - September





1. Tournament Format

·      The tournament is individual play with handicap system.

·      All matches will be played on regulation 6x12 tables with a full 15 reds rack.

·      Main Stage matches are best of 3, knockaut stage matches are best of 5

·      Double elimination

·      Seeding according to club rating 

·      The league operator is Hanna Lisovenko

2. Cost

·      Entry feet is $50/player, payable prior to tournament startup.

·      Tables are free for participants.

·      Prize money

Minimum of 8 players in a tournament

3. Schedule

 - Matches Start September, 7 /2024 at 10:00 AM 

- Format: Matches will commence at 10:00 AM. After each round, new pairs of players will be formed based on the results. The tournament will continue in this format until the final match.

4. Handicap system

Based on personal matches. One level (win in a personal match)  -  4 points. After the first match, if Player 1 (the stronger one) wins, the handicap between them in the next match will be 1 level -  4 points. Then, if the weaker player wins, i.e., Player 2, the handicap decreases by 2 levels, and in the next match, they will have a handicap of 3 levels, and so on. Thus, the handicap increases twice as slowly as it decreases, which doesn't push strong players too hard. Therefore, handicaps in tournaments will be adjusted based on the results of players' personal matches.

5. Rules Of Snooker

All play will be governed by the WPBSA rules except as noted. A copy of the WPBSA rules can be found at this link...


For the Club tournaments, there are three rule amendments:

“Foul And A Miss” rule – In amateur play, the maximum that a player can “put back” the white ball is 3 times. This 4 attempts on the object ball.
At any time during a match if one player needs more than 3 snookers to win, the frame is considered over.
All fouls are enforced.