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Snooker tournament SUMMER LEAGUE
2024-07-01-2024-08-04, House of pool, Canada, New Westminster


Count: 12

Youngest player:

Oldest player:

Player mid age: 37 years

Experienced players:

Play time

Tournament total play time: 8 hours

Longest match: 118 minutes

Harparas Singh 2 - 0 Sami Ahmad

Quickest match: 32 minutes

Wangchen Chap 0 - 2 Arsalan Jami

Longest frame: 83 minutes

Harparas Singh 57 - 26 Sami Ahmad

Quickest frame: 20 minutes

Fayaz 31 - 53 Harparas Singh


Max points score of match winner: 140

Shekhar Bhatt 0 - 2 Milad Shojaei

Min points score of match winner: 69

Wangchen Chap 0 - 2 Arsalan Jami

Max points score gap in match: 71

Hanna Lisovenko 0 - 2 Tsundu Sangro

Min points score gap in match: 27

Fayaz 2 - 1 Harparas Singh

Max score of frame winner: 71

Shekhar Bhatt 30 - 71 Milad Shojaei

Min score of frame winner: 44

Hanna Lisovenko 7 - 44 Tsundu Sangro

Max score gap in frame: 41

Shekhar Bhatt 30 - 71 Milad Shojaei

Min score gap in frame: 9

Fayaz 53 - 44 Harparas Singh

Max score sum in frame: 109

Shekhar Bhatt 40 - 69 Milad Shojaei

Min score sum in frame: 51

Hanna Lisovenko 7 - 44 Tsundu Sangro


Played matches: 6

Deciders: 1 (16%)

Whitewashes: 5 (83%)

Favourites lost (by draw): 3 (50%)

Comebacks (3+ frames in a row to win): 0


Breaks count 20+: 4

Players with breaks: 3 (25%)


StatePlayersSum ratingAvg rating for playerMax breakBreaks count (20+)Breaks count for playerBest player
British Columbia12003240.33