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Київська Ліга Снукеру 2024 - тур 2
2024-04-13, BC "Lider", Україна, м. Київ, вул. Семена Скляренка 5


Count: 10

Youngest player:

Oldest player:

Player mid age: 33.5 years

Experienced players:

Play time

Tournament total play time: 22 hours

Longest match: 121 minutes

Tishchenko Gregory 2 - 0 Mamedov Max

Quickest match: 40 minutes

Li Tang 2 - 0 Rudenko Dmitriy


Max points score of match winner: 195

Lemeshev Serhii 1 - 2 Kulbako Andrii

Min points score of match winner: 90

Li Tang 2 - 0 Rudenko Dmitriy

Max points score gap in match: 132

Shulha Andrii 2 - 0 Mamedov Max

Min points score gap in match: 18

Kulbako Andrii 2 - 1 Lugovoy Denis

Max score of frame winner: 99

Lemeshev Serhii 99 - 74 Mamedov Max

Min score of frame winner: 40

Li Tang 40 - 21 Rudenko Dmitriy

Max score gap in frame: 78

Shulha Andrii 82 - 4 Mamedov Max

Min score gap in frame: 7

Lemeshev Serhii 50 - 57 Kulbako Andrii

Max score sum in frame: 173

Lemeshev Serhii 99 - 74 Mamedov Max

Min score sum in frame: 59

Li Tang 50 - 9 Tishchenko Gregory


Played matches: 17

Deciders: 4 (23%)

Whitewashes: 13 (76%)

Favourites lost (by draw): 12 (70%)

Comebacks (3+ frames in a row to win): 0


Breaks count 20+: 18

Players with breaks: 4 (40%)


StatePlayersSum ratingAvg rating for playerMax breakBreaks count (20+)Breaks count for playerBest player
Kyiv81212.25151.531347182.25 Li Tang
Zaporozhye region2282.25141.12500 Tishchenko Gregory