+380665675857 •


Game day № 11
2019-12-15, SNOOKER ACADEMY KROPYVNYTSKYI, Україна, Кропивницький, вул. В'ячеслава Чорновола 2Г


Count: 8

Youngest player:

Oldest player:

Player mid age: 18 years

Newbies: 0

Experienced players:

Play time

Tournament total play time: 10 hours

Longest match: 74 minutes

Dulov Danyil 1 - 0 Handrabura Denys

Quickest match: 20 minutes

Stazilov Bohdan 0 - 1 Kravchenko Ivan


Max points score of match winner: 105

Margo Lisovenko 0 - 1 Stazilov Bohdan

Min points score of match winner: 37

Dulov Danyil 0 - 1 Stokolos Volodymyr

Max points score gap in match: 66

Stokolos Volodymyr 0 - 1 Margo Lisovenko

Min points score gap in match: 7

Dulov Danyil 0 - 1 Stokolos Volodymyr


Played matches: 15

Deciders: 0 (0%)

Whitewashes: 0 (0%)

Favourites lost (by draw): 8 (53%)

Comebacks (3+ frames in a row to win): 0


Breaks count 20+: 1

Players with breaks: 1 (12%)


StatePlayersSum ratingAvg rating for playerMax breakBreaks count (20+)Breaks count for playerBest player
Kirovohrad region61445.6240.933300 Stazilov Bohdan
Canada2637.8318.92510.5 Margo Lisovenko


RefereeMatches workedTotal work timeReferee of a break
Fedushyn Anton42 hours 28 minutes
Dulov Danyil0-
Hanna Lisovenko0-