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League NSFU of Kyiv - 17 round
2019-09-21, BC "Lider", Україна, м. Київ, вул. Семена Скляренка 5


Count: 19

Youngest player:

Oldest player:

Player mid age: 34 years

Newbies: 0

Experienced players:

Play time

Tournament total play time: 46 hours

Longest match: 153 minutes

Tkatskiy Konstantin 2 - 1 Kuts Vladyslav

Quickest match: 31 minutes

Yatsenko Vitaliy 0 - 2 Shulha Andrii


Max points score of match winner: 167

Yatsenko Vitaliy 2 - 1 Shulha Andrii

Min points score of match winner: 97

Yatsenko Vitaliy 2 - 0 Evteev Illia

Max points score gap in match: 120

Mokhnyuk Nadiya 0 - 2 Shulha Andrii

Min points score gap in match: 4

Vaskovskyy Oleg 2 - 1 Evteev Illia


Played matches: 33

Deciders: 10 (30%)

Whitewashes: 23 (69%)

Favourites lost (by draw): 17 (51%)

Comebacks (3+ frames in a row to win): 0


Breaks count 20+: 23

Players with breaks: 10 (52%)


StatePlayersSum ratingAvg rating for playerMax breakBreaks count (20+)Breaks count for playerBest player
Kyiv116226.8566.072745191.73 Shulha Andrii
Kyiv region31266.55422.18332310.33 Vaskovskyy Oleg
Zaporozhye region2703351.500 Tkatskiy Konstantin
Vinnytsia region1571.9571.93722 Khimich Vladyslav
Dnipropetrovsk region1397.15397.152011 Radzivill Oleksandr
Chernihiv region1267.9267.900 Kuts Vladyslav


RefereeMatches workedTotal work timeReferee of a break
Kamelkov Yevhen0-
Shulga Andrey0-