+380665675857 •



Varsta: 33 ani (average age of players: 32 ani)

Registered: 7 ani, 5 months ago

players from the same city (Kyiv): 174

players from the same country (Ukraine): 806


Sparrings played (matches): 193

Wins: 119

Defeats: 67

Draws: 7

Best of 1: 12

Best of 2: 4

Best of 3: 47

Best of 5: 89

Best of 7: 28

Best of 9: 10

Best of 11: 2

Best of 19: 1


Tournaments played: 190

internationale: 36

nationale: 7

regionale: 125

locale: 22

grila olimpica: 5

grupe: 34

grila europeana: 151

15 red: 186

10 red: 0

6 red: 4

Shoot Out: 0

Other: 0

less than 17 players: 99

17-32 players: 77

more than 32 players: 14



Frames played: 2037

Wins: 1256 (61.66%)

Defeats: 781

Won frame points (in average): 64

Lost frame points (in average): 33

Average frame time: 34 minutes 19 seconds

Wins with first frame lost: 108 (13.78%)

Defeats with first frame lost: 191 (24.36%)

Wins with first frame won: 424 (54.08%)

Defeats with first frame won: 61 (7.78%)

Wins while trailing in the match: 109

Defeats while trailing in the match: 252

Frames started leading in match: 1086

Frames started trailing in match: 610

Longest frame: 278 minutes 37 seconds

Shulha Andrii 66 - 7 Vishnevsky Vladislav

Quickest frame: 5 minutes 28 seconds

Shulha Andrii 50 - 0 Evteev Illia

Won frame maximum points: 110

Shulha Andrii 110 - 81 Pavlyuk Volodymyr

Lost frame maximum points: 100

Shulha Andrii 100 - 108 Basystyi Volodymyr

Opponent comebacks (3+ frames to win): 0


Tournament breaks count (20+): 798

Sparring breaks count (20+): 272

Highest tournament break: 80

Highest sparring break: 85

Frames for 20+ break: 3.48

Frames for 30+ break: 13.18

Frames for 40+ break: 44.13

Frames for 50+ break: 132.38

Participating map

BC "Lider"Kyiv Ukraine179150
BC "SNOOKER LVIV"Lviv Ukraine40
BC "Lider" (2)Kyiv Ukraine14
BC "Katovskiy"Kropyvnytskyi Ukraine10
BC “Billiard Hall” MDChișinău Moldova10
BC "Archimed"Mariupol Ukraine10
BC “Classic” MDChișinău Moldova10
Internetinternet internet10
IB clubv.Kriukivshchyna Ukraine027