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The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school.

Doshenko Yuriy vs Shashyna Daria

The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school. (Knockout faza)


Igrač 1: Doshenko Yuriy
Igrač 2: Shashyna Daria
Meč započeo: 14:53 2023-04-29
Stol: 1
Pobjednik igra meč broj #56493 (suparnik: Kravchenko Ivan)
Završio: 16:19 2023-04-29 (01:26)


1 Doshenko Yuriy 39 5 Shashyna Daria
2 Doshenko Yuriy 41 31 Shashyna Daria
3 Doshenko Yuriy 18 36 Shashyna Daria
4 Doshenko Yuriy 35 10 Shashyna Daria