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The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school.

Kravchenko Ivan vs Viatkina Veronika

The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school. (Pobjednička strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Kravchenko Ivan
Igrač 2: Viatkina Veronika
Meč započeo: 11:28 2023-04-29
Stol: 1
Pobjednik igra meč broj #56479 (suparnik: Doshenko Yuriy)
Poraženi igra meč #56483 (suparnik: Lipko Mikola)
Završio: 12:14 2023-04-29 (00:46)


1 Kravchenko Ivan 10 44 Viatkina Veronika
2 Kravchenko Ivan 22 48 Viatkina Veronika