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The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school.

Bayrak Vsevolod vs Lipko Lyda

The holiday tournament is dedicated to the 17th anniversary of the O.E. school. (Pobjednička strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Bayrak Vsevolod
Igrač 2: Lipko Lyda
Meč započeo: 09:29 2023-04-29
Stol: 1
Pobjednik igra meč broj #56478 (suparnik: Zavgorodniy Zahar)
Poraženi igra meč #56482 (suparnik: Taran Illya)
Završio: 11:18 2023-04-29 (01:49)


1 Bayrak Vsevolod 38 39 Lipko Lyda
2 Bayrak Vsevolod 49 44 Lipko Lyda
3 Bayrak Vsevolod 47 31 Lipko Lyda
