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Snooker tournament, To the 30th anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine!

Shashyna Daria vs Tarubarov Roman

Snooker tournament, To the 30th anniversary of the Independence Day of Ukraine! ( Grila de sus)


Jucator 1: Shashyna Daria
Jucator 2: Tarubarov Roman
Inceput: 11:07 2021-08-28
Masa: 4
Casitgatorul urmeaza meciul #52713 (opponent: Yakunin Arseniy)
Invingatorul urmeaza meciul #52708 (opponent: Huzʹ Maksym)
Sfarsit: 12:11 2021-08-28 (01:04)


1 Shashyna Daria 42 25 Tarubarov Roman
2 Shashyna Daria 60 45 Tarubarov Roman