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Snooker tournament, to the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 2021

Grygoriev Juriy vs Schyruk Renata

Snooker tournament, to the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 2021 ( Grila de sus)


Jucator 1: Grygoriev Juriy
Jucator 2: Schyruk Renata
Inceput: 10:14 2021-06-27
Masa: 3
Casitgatorul urmeaza meciul #51820 (opponent: Skrynko Hlib)
Invingatorul urmeaza meciul #51824 (opponent: neindentificat)
Sfarsit: 10:47 2021-06-27 (00:33)


1 Grygoriev Juriy 13 65 Schyruk Renata