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Club tournament Game day for the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation 2021

Tsarush Liliya vs Dzyna Illia

Club tournament Game day for the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation 2021 (Pobjednička strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Tsarush Liliya
Igrač 2: Dzyna Illia
Meč započeo: 11:25 2021-05-08
Stol: 2
Pobjednik igra meč broj #50970 (suparnik: Sydorenko Vitalii)
Poraženi igra meč #50967 (suparnik: Stazilov Bohdan)
Završio: 11:51 2021-05-08 (00:25)


1 Tsarush Liliya
76 39 Dzyna Illia
