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Club tournament Game day for the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation 2021

Tsarush Liliya vs Luhovatsʹka Oleksandra

Club tournament Game day for the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation 2021 ( Grila de sus)


Jucator 1: Tsarush Liliya
Jucator 2: Luhovatsʹka Oleksandra
Inceput: 10:16 2021-05-08
Masa: 5
Casitgatorul urmeaza meciul #50942 (opponent: Dzyna Illia)
Invingatorul urmeaza meciul #50955 (opponent: neindentificat)
Sfarsit: 10:46 2021-05-08 (00:29)


1 Tsarush Liliya 64 32 Luhovatsʹka Oleksandra
