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League NSFU of Kyiv 2020 - 10 round

Petrunko George vs Yatsenko Vitaliy

League NSFU of Kyiv 2020 - 10 round (Knockout faza)


Igrač 1: Petrunko George
Igrač 2: Yatsenko Vitaliy
Meč započeo: 19:24 2020-08-22
Stol: 4
Pobjednik igra meč broj #44078 (suparnik: Shulha Andrii)
Završio: 20:13 2020-08-22 (00:48)


1 Petrunko George
67 29 Yatsenko Vitaliy
2 Petrunko George
55 12 Yatsenko Vitaliy