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Championship of Ukraine 2020 "6 RED"

Kazakov Anton vs Myronyuk Victor

Championship of Ukraine 2020 "6 RED" (Pobjednička strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Kazakov Anton
Igrač 2: Myronyuk Victor
Meč započeo: 11:19 2020-02-08
Stol: 6
Pobjednik igra meč broj #41320 (suparnik: Koryagin Vadim)
Poraženi igra meč #41359 (suparnik: Valuyskiy Yaroslav)
Završio: 11:50 2020-02-08 (00:30)


1 Kazakov Anton
40 0 Myronyuk Victor
2 Kazakov Anton 42 12 Myronyuk Victor
3 Kazakov Anton
38 11 Myronyuk Victor
