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League NSFU of Kyiv 2020 - 01 round

Lemeshev Serhii vs Kamelkov Yevhen

League NSFU of Kyiv 2020 - 01 round (Poražena strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Lemeshev Serhii
Igrač 2: Kamelkov Yevhen
Meč započeo: 17:06 2020-01-04
Stol: 4
Pobjednik igra meč broj #39424 (suparnik: Yatsenko Vitaliy)
Završio: 18:03 2020-01-04 (00:56)


1 Lemeshev Serhii 4 58 Kamelkov Yevhen
2 Lemeshev Serhii 44 58 Kamelkov Yevhen
