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Cup of snooker Academy Mariupol 1 event 19/20

Kozachok Vladislav vs Lube Nikita

Cup of snooker Academy Mariupol 1 event 19/20 ( Grila de sus)


Jucator 1: Kozachok Vladislav
Jucator 2: Lube Nikita
Inceput: 09:52 2019-11-24
Masa: 2
Arbitru: Makeev Andrey
Casitgatorul urmeaza meciul #36204 (opponent: Budyko Andrii)
Invingatorul urmeaza meciul #36207 (opponent: neindentificat)
Sfarsit: 10:21 2019-11-24 (00:29)


1 Kozachok Vladislav 50 26 Lube Nikita