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The final tournament of the 1st stage SFU Amateur League "Sea of Azov"

Makieiev Andrew vs Ul'yanchenko Taras

The final tournament of the 1st stage SFU Amateur League "Sea of Azov" (Pobjednička strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Makieiev Andrew
Igrač 2: Ul'yanchenko Taras
Meč započeo: 15:40 2016-12-24
Stol: 14
Pobjednik igra meč broj #3374 (suparnik: Mazur Maksym)
Poraženi igra meč #3372 (suparnik: Sanatarchuk Yevhen)
Završio: 17:52 2016-12-24 (02:12)


1 Makieiev Andrew 50 0 Ul'yanchenko Taras
2 Makieiev Andrew 50 0 Ul'yanchenko Taras
3 Makieiev Andrew 0 50 Ul'yanchenko Taras