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SFU Amateur League " Sea of Azov" . Stage I - 2 round. Mariupol-2016

Semionov Sergey vs Verba Roman

SFU Amateur League " Sea of Azov" . Stage I - 2 round. Mariupol-2016 ( Grila de sus)


Jucator 1: Semionov Sergey
Jucator 2: Verba Roman
Inceput: 11:30 2016-10-31
Casitgatorul urmeaza meciul #1905 (opponent: Chubarov Bogdan)
Invingatorul urmeaza meciul #1911 (opponent: neindentificat)
Sfarsit: 11:34 2016-10-30 (00:00)


1 Semionov Sergey 50 0 Verba Roman
2 Semionov Sergey 50 0 Verba Roman