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Open DMT - DMT BELGIAN SNOOKER TOUR (fragment with Ukrainian players)

DeMol Gery vs Maas Joris

Open DMT - DMT BELGIAN SNOOKER TOUR (fragment with Ukrainian players) (Knockout faza)


Igrač 1: DeMol Gery
Igrač 2: Maas Joris
Meč započeo: 20:00 2018-04-02
Pobjednik igra meč broj #17855 (suparnik: Kempenaers Gert)
Završio: 13:12 2018-04-02 (00:00)


1 DeMol Gery 0 50 Maas Joris
2 DeMol Gery 0 50 Maas Joris
3 DeMol Gery 0 50 Maas Joris
4 DeMol Gery 0 50 Maas Joris