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League NSFU of Kyiv (handicap) - 4 round

Dementiev Iegor vs Pavlyuk Volodymyr

League NSFU of Kyiv (handicap) - 4 round (Poražena strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Dementiev Iegor
Igrač 2: Pavlyuk Volodymyr
Meč započeo: 15:23 2018-03-10
Pobjednik igra meč broj #16947 (suparnik: Shulha Andrii)
Završio: 17:11 2018-03-10 (01:47)


1 Dementiev Iegor 33 60 Pavlyuk Volodymyr
2 Dementiev Iegor 79 32 Pavlyuk Volodymyr
3 Dementiev Iegor 56 15 Pavlyuk Volodymyr
