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The Open Tournament is devoted to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports

Kruk Oleksandr vs Vitsynkyi Vyatcheslav

The Open Tournament is devoted to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports (Poražena strana tablea)


Igrač 1: Kruk Oleksandr
Igrač 2: Vitsynkyi Vyatcheslav
Meč započeo: 16:56 2017-09-09
Stol: 3
Pobjednik igra meč broj #10178 (suparnik: Samoilenko Polina)
Završio: 17:52 2017-09-09 (00:56)


1 Kruk Oleksandr 50 63 Vitsynkyi Vyatcheslav
2 Kruk Oleksandr 42 52 Vitsynkyi Vyatcheslav